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SOLD OUT! CT – L.O.C.K.U.P. Triple Certification Instructor Training – Handcuffing, OC Spray and Police Baton

The Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection SOLD OUT!
Police Officer
Standards and Training Council’s Field Services Training Division

 New Britain Police Department 
L.O.C.K.U.P. Triple Certification Instructor Training – Handcuffing, OC Spray and Police Baton
March 28, 2022 to April 1, 2022

Congratulations to the CT officers who attended and successfully completed the intensive 5-day training program on Handcuffing – OC Spray and  Police Baton. This highly interactive integrated course was both physically and mentally challenging and the students participated actively throughout the entire week.

This is what the attending student had to say:

Evaluation Summary
19 out of 22 of the evaluations collected rated the course presentation at the highest level – Excellent!

Instructors Lt. Michael Creter and Brandon Lagueux

Please rate the overall presentation

  • PowerPoint is well put together and professional
  • Instructors were fluent and knew the material well
  • Overall class was well prepared and laid out
  • Good pace combined with simple instruction, does not over complicate
  • Realistic scenarios made the class
  • The information presented was clear and step-by-step
  • Well organized and structured. Lots of material within this course
  • Excellent and relevant
  • Not only did I learn quality information, but I learned how to actively apply it
  • Focused on training trainers
  • Good hands-on training the class was fantastic

 Was this program relevant to your work assignment?

  • 100% it will help with both compliant and non-compliant subjects
  • 100%
  • Yes, very good to go over all of the areas because our department does very little training
  • As street crime unit being able to react quickly and reassess
  • The instructors of the class was fantastic clear and concise kept the interest of the class
  • Yes, the information is useful to utilize with other systems and techniques

 Other Comments

  • This training is paramount to our duties
  • Great to refresh your own skills in order to help other officers
  • There were plenty of aids / inert OC spray pads for the entire class
  • I have received a lot of new information that I know many of our officers have not received
  • Great use of force combinations
  • The training notebook was extremely well detailed it will most definitely help with daily duties in dealing with subjects
  • I will be able to teach new recruits in a more constructive and more applicable way
  • New state law has me question a lot of what is taught
  • Reinstated confidence in using my tools. In the past, I would of Ben apprehensive to use them /carry them because I wasn’t proficient

This is an intensive five-day training program to develop instructors in Handcuffing, Oleoresin Spray and Police Baton (Fixed or Expandable). This is a law enforcement instructor course developing integrated concepts within the less-lethal options used by law enforcement. Law enforcement encounters are not restricted to one less-lethal option and are integrated using different disciplines. This course brings those options together in an instructor format.

Through lectures, demonstrations, physical hands-on skill development and practical scenario applications this course is designed to develop instructors in Handcuffing, OC Spray and Police Baton. Students will be instructed in legal aspects of use of force and physical applications pertaining to officer defensive tactics. Students will be instructed in using the amount of force necessary and reasonable to control a violent resisting or combative suspect(s). Students will also be instructed in teaching methodologies needed to instruct physical applications and test students for competency. Emphasis will focus on developing a strong knowledge of immediate restraint and control tactics that are a direct, proportionate, and measured response to all levels of resistance and aggression in multiple types of environmental settings.

Handcuffing Instructor Training

  • Nomenclature of the hinged and chain-link handcuffs.
  • Handcuffing passive and resistant suspects.
  • Practical exercises of handcuffing maneuvers.
  • Departmental policy sample discussion.
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform team takedowns and handcuffing maneuvers.
  • Documentation and report writing.
  • Safe Removal of handcuffs from suspects.
  • Controlling handcuffed combatants.
  • L.O.C.K.U.P. ® tactics integrated.

Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) Spray Instructor Training

  • Identify the various ingredients and strengths of (OC) spray.
  • Identify current legal/policy issues in the use of (OC) spray.
  • Identify the physical, psychological, and physiological effects
  • Management protocols re: medical, and decontamination procedures.
  • Identify the most effective (OC) delivery methods.
  • Identify the flammable characteristics of (OC) spray.
  • Identify the placement of OC on the “Use of Force Spectrum”.
  • Identify pre-existing medical conditions that may be aggravated by OC.
  • Identify verbal commands/warnings that should accompany
  • Deployment of OC.
  • Properly documenting the use of OC.
  • Tactical considerations: various canisters, holsters, and retention.
  • Draw techniques.
  • Perform a tactical OC exposure and restraint of a simulated “active” resistive subject.

Baton Instructor Training  Straight & Expandable

  • Legal aspects of police use of force.
  • Baton deployment and purpose.
  • Baton justification.
  • Basic baton strikes.
  • Body mechanics and footwork.
  • Documentation and tracking use of force.
  • Baton nomenclature.
  • Universal platforms.
  • Baton blocking principles.
  • Baton body manipulations.
  • Troubleshooting student performance.
  • L.O.C.K.U.P. ® tactics integrated.


New Britain Police Athletic League (PAL)
544 Osgood Avenue New Britain CT 06053 
7:30 to 3:30 daily. 


The class is limited to 24 attendees. Please complete a registration form from the web and fax it [(203) 238-6119] or email it to Brian Enns at by Friday, February 25, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact the Field Services Division at 203-427-2626.
Students successfully completing the course will receive Review Training Credit in the following areas:

Area 209 POSTC Use of Force Training Program (4hrs)
Area 300 Practical Police Skills
302A Police Baton (8hrs)
302B OC Spray (8hrs)
306A Handcuffing (8hrs)

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