Use of Force Concepts and Analysis For Police Leaders
Course Synopsis:
Today every use of force incident is scrutinized frame by frame on a video and judged by untrained individuals creating distrust and false narratives. Use of force analysis, investigation and training is a complex continually evolving issue. This 2-day training session is designed for Police Leaders who, review, reports, instruct or investigate police use of force incidents. The training will examine the most recent and up-to-date issues that specifically impact command level, training units, front-line supervisors, and internal affairs investigators concerning police use of force incidents. This course breaks down multiple issues ranging from daily officer citizen complaints, curriculum design, use of force reporting, tracking and trending or investigating incidents involving police use of force encounters. Instruction uses lectures, demonstrations, and case studies. What we train our officers to do is important – one improper technique changed the county! “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.”
Instructional Goals:
- To Define Use of Force
- New challenges from political beliefs and legislation
- Myths vs. facts in use of force assessments
- The application of the Fourth Amendment to use of force
- Constitutional Force Standards
- Three essential steps in the use of force decision making
- 10 definitions involving the use of force
- Define serious use of force areas
- Discuss officer behavior and accountability issues
- Discuss de-escalation strategies and how to report it
- Discuss human attention and how it relates to using of force
- Discuss use of force tracking, trending, reporting, and analysis
- To apply force application to police report writing
- Discuss Electronic Control Weapons issues trends and training
- Discuss training issues and voids
- DOJ Use of force tracking in Juvenile Detention – Rikers Island
- Discuss Quantum of force
- What information do you want to track and how will it be used
- Different systems on the market to track UOF data
(Professional products or techniques on how to design your own) - Information used to assist training academies
(developing curriculum and working with the tactical unit) - Information used for staffing purposes
- Information useful for Early Warning Interventions
- Video review issues and reporting
- Discuss recent events concerning special populations
- Discuss factors needed for analysis of a use of force incident“I am better equipped to properly review use of force reports and structure training scenarios to teach proper responses.”
“I feel that every officer should have this course. I would go to any course that he (Lt. Dillon) has. “I will immediately implement some issues instructed today.”
Chief Darryl Roberts, Hartford CT PD
Use of Force for Command, Supervisors and Trainers – A Systematic Approach
hosted by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office,What did you hope to gain by attending this course?
• “I expected to get a nugget, but got a whole basket full.”
• “A different perspective on use of force issues.”
• “Liability issues, training for use of force in how to make our documentation process better.”
• “Wanted to obtain new strategies related to use of force incidents involving subordinates.”
• “More knowledge of use-of-force.”
• “Knowledge and updates.”
• “New info that is out there.”
• “A better understanding on different approaches to use of force.”
• “Latest updates on use of force.”
• “Insight into force application issues in recent publicized incidents.”
• “A better understanding of police use of force evaluations in review.”
• “A better insight into different direction to address use of force incidents.”
Please identify any new information or techniques you gained by taking this course.
• “Cognitive behavior, definitions, decision-making.”
• “Excellent material, verbiage and different use of force techniques.”
• “Collecting data that could help in future flying officers for early intervention.”
• “Why people react the way they do in use of force incidents.”
• “Value of police reporting, sympathetic nervous system and tear a sympathetic nervous system.”
• “Learn to plan and strategy.”
• “Varying ideas of all use of force reporting in policy examples.”
• “Write use of force reports prior to a viewing video of incident, new VIP procedures regarding frequency of trigger.”
• “Public perception is paramount to the success of our mission.”
• “To allow the individual involved in a use of force to regroup prior to writing their report.”
• “The misunderstandings of use of force.”
• “Perception by video when we don’t show efforts to de-escalate.”
• “Tactical communication and de-escalation.”
• “More relevant data needs to be gathered research in assessed by the agency.”
• “More appropriate language to use when documenting use-of-force how to improve the agency’s understanding of use of force in the current climate of the nation.”
• “It reinforces the idea thoughts give one new one tools too.”
• “Quantum of force section, how the brain works, re-enforced as current knowledge and understanding of use of force issues.”
• “This class provided realistic plans of action and useful strategies and responding to resistance also this class provided clear reasoning for proper documentation and keeping statistics.”
• “Data breakdown in use of force incidents. Adding stimulus based training at the end of techniques.”
• “Other agency issues methods of takedowns brain functions in operations.”
• “The propensity of litigation in the necessity to meet a statistical data related to force.”
• “Importance of training, use of force options and techniques available.”
• “The importance of allowing staff to Re-collect the accounts of critical incidents over 2 to 3 days in not forcing immediate reports.”
• “How to better articulate use of force to have a greater success in court.”
• “De-escalation training, quantum of force, diversion tactics, on scene potential three on scene quarterback, LOCKUP training.”
• “Importance of reviewing use of force through the lens of the employee but more importantly emphasizing to employee the importance of viewing each use of force as potentially being on the news.”
Would you recommend this course to someone else?
*100% of attending students stated they would recommend this course.
• “Detailed articulation of content was provided in the manner that can help me make improvements.”
• “This course is important to line staff.”
• Department trainer instructors should attend this course.”
• “Provides the latest updates available on use of force.”
• “Definitely, it was thought provoking and dynamic.”
• “The instructors stress that the sergeants are the agency’s quarterbacks and I feel the training will be beneficial to them.”
• “All line staff and supervisors should be required to take this course if funding is available.”
• “Lieutenant Dillon is supremely qualified and competent the materials taught are relevant in today’s law enforcement climate.”
• “All law enforcement officers should be exposed to this information on use of force to better serve the community.”
• “This course provides more practical communication and de-escalation strategies and better detailed report writing to minimize liability… more command level and trainers as well as politicians in media and all current state attorney’s investigators.”
• “Everyone needs it now and not in the future.”
• “Essential information that every officer should understand.”
• “Intelligent speaker in great course content .”
• Lt. “K.D.” is very knowledgeable and effective at relaying the information in a classroom environment.”
• “Every deputy should take this class for the simple fact that it helps you understand how the brain works your stressful situation also helped in avoiding litigation.”
• Lieutenant Dillon delivered a solid course keeping your attention while covering realistic objectives.”