Maine Dept. of Corrections Hosts L.E.A.D.S. - Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies 3 Day -…
FL – L.E.A.D.S. LE Active De-escalation Strategies & Use of Force Concepts for Field Training Officers
L.E.A.D.S. -Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies
& Use of Force Concepts for Field Training Officers
Palm Beach State College
Postponed Due to COVID
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Criminal Justice Institute (LW)
Our Field Training Officers are our PRIMARY coaches and INSTRUCTORS but are often not any more trained in de-escalation and use of force than the recruit they are training. De-escalation strategies, use of force mitigation, analysis, investigation, and training is a complex continually evolving issue. This 2-day training session is designed for Field Training Officers. The training will examine how to apply de-escalation strategies in the real world, how to document those de-escalation tactics, and force mitigation strategies. How to make use of force decisions, select appropriate actions and report accurately.
Understand how implicit biases can affect perceptions and behavior.
Identifying indications of hostility through body language.
How to avoid communications that may be negative and make positive.
Learn methods of effective verbal de-escalation strategies.
Understanding physiological changes during aggression.
Learn to use cognitive limitations for active diffusion.
Learn methods to re-direct the thought process through positive direction.
Identify evidence-based characteristics associated with excited delirium.
Identifying Agitated Chaotic Events.
Learn methods of motivational interviewing skills.
Learn the use of force definitions and proper terminology.
Discuss Quantum of force and how it applies to force options.
What information do you want to track and how will it be used.
Discuss factors needed for analysis of a use of force incident.
Quantifying use of force deployments.
Coaching de-escalation techniques.
Adaptive decision-making under stress.
Instructing and coaching methods.
Documentation on Daily Observation Reports
Completed registrations may be emailed on agency letterhead to:
Contact : Joseph Tata Jr.
Advanced Career Training Law Enforcement/Corrections Coordinator.
4200 Congress Ave. Lake Worth, FL 33461 561-868-3868