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Pete Soulis is a thirty year law enforcement veteran with a majority of that time serving as a SWAT Officer/Team Leader.  During his tenure in law enforcement, he was recruited to assist with the development and implementation of the firearms curriculum and CQB Tactics for U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Grand Coulee Dam Project).

In 2007, Pete went to Washington D.C. to assist in the creation of a national counter terrorism unit for passenger rail.  As the Principle Special Agent for the Office of Security, Strategy & Special Operations (OSSSO), Pete’s responsibilities included protection of Amtrak passengers and assets from systemic threats and supervising a wide variety of discrete missions, including undercover operations and counter-surveillance.  He was tasked as the Team Leader for the QRF (Quick Reaction Force) for the President-Elect’s historical inaugural train ride to Washington D.C.

Pete spent the last three years of his career in Afghanistan.  Pete’s extensive tactical background served as a vital component when training personnel in the field during the first two years as an embedded Law Enforcement Professional (LEP), which included mentoring to the National Afghanistan Army and Police on law enforcement tactics and procedures.  His last year in Afghanistan was as a Law Enforcement Subject Matter Expert (SME) for COMISAF Advisory and Assistance Team (CAAT).  Responsibilities included conferring with Ministry of Interior officials and members of the international community concerning police development and law enforcement matters and providing law enforcement advice and analysis back to COMISAF.

Pete has been awarded the Medal of Valor, Purple Heart, Military Order of the Purple Heart, SWAT Man of the Year, and the Florida SWAT Associations Award of Merit.  He was also nominated for the National Top Cop Award and also elected to the American Police Hall of Fame’s Legion of Honor.  He was awarded The Outstanding Civilian Service Medal and the Commanders Award for Civilian Service for his participation in Operation Enduring Freedom while deployed with the U.S army in Afghanistan.  Lieutenant Colonel DavPete Afghanistan (3)e Grossman, author of The Bullet-Proof Mind and the Pulitzer nominated On Killing included Officer Pete Soulis’s 1997 deadly force gun battle in his book On Combat.  In this engagement Pete suffered five shots during the engagement and fatally wounded the armed and violent suspect.

Pete Soulis continues to believe in developing the complete combatant and emphasizes to his shooters that they must remain situationally aware, physically and mentally prepared to engage while maintaining tactical proficiency under the stress of combat.  He developed a firearms system using his extensive firefight experiences and knowledge of the physiological aspects of human change during deadly force encounters. He has been training civilian law enforcement and military personnel nationally about the aspects of surviving deadly force encounters. His lecture on “Surviving Armed Encounters” and “Street Combat Shooting” firearms instruction have been praised by law enforcement instructors and decorated military officers across the United States.  He continues to train law enforcement officers and military units in the principles of the Soulis Shooting System with CQB tactics, the dynamics of deadly force engagements, and weapon skills that have been proven effective in combat numerous times by him and officers he has trained.  Pete draws a wealth of experience not only from his tacticalafghancutout background, but from numerous live fire engagements during tactical operations as well as serving as a narcotics detective, task force officer and patrol officer.

Pete’s extensive training and experience has earned him respect from fellow law enforcement officers and military personnel throughout the country as a dynamic and experienced “warrior” trainer.  He also serves as Firearms Training Director for KFD Training & Consultation LLC and, an established training partnership dedicated to the realistic dynamic training needed for officer survival.

“It is one thing to theorize about the dynamics of a shooting incident and quite another to actually have lived it.” – Pete Soulis






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