Maine Dept. of Corrections Hosts L.E.A.D.S. - Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies 3 Day -…
L.O.C.K.U.P. ® Arrest and Control CT – 9 Day Instructor Training
L.O.C.K.U.P. ® Arrest and Control CT – 9 Day Instructor Training
Hosted by CT Department of Corrections
(Session 1 Sept. 4 – 6) (Session 2 Sept. 18 – 20) (Session 3 Sept. 25 – 27, 2019)
Congratulations to the officers who attended and successfully completed the L.O.C.K.U.P. Arrest and Control 9 Day Program. The officers will qualify as State of Connecticut Arrest and Control Instructors.
This is what the students had to say!
Please assist the quality of this presentation?
27 out of 26 evaluation collected rated it at the highest level of 5. One rated it very good.
Was this program relevant to your work assignment?
27 out of 26 evaluation collected rated it at the highest level of 5. One rated it very good.
- Lieutenant Dillon was a brilliant instructor.
- Detailed an in-depth.
- Very structured, easy to follow and understand.
- Best training I’ve had!
- Great content. Easily learned …Never boring.
- One of the best blocks of training I’ve received in my career.
- Lieutenant Dillon and crew are very knowledgeable. They paint the picture beautifully.
- Excellent program with relevant situational lessons.
- The explanation of each technique was great as well as the practical application.
- Very well done!
- This training will save your life. It makes you realize how important “chunking” training is.
- I recommend this training to all officers . All instructors were amazing to work with.
- Institute L.O.C.K.U.P. training program on my PD handcuffing etc.
- Plan on making use of force videos, and collecting use of force forms for record keeping.
- Instructors were very knowledgeable and able to explain the why of certain techniques and concepts.
- This will improve our training throughout our PD.
- I am an Academy instructor it will be teaching to sworn in recruits. This program gave me tools to add to my position as an instructor.
- Being on the road with maybe 4 officers a night this course puts more confidence in the skills I have obtained.
- Instructors knew and believed in the system. Made it easy to buy in in understand the relevance.
- All the instructors were some of the best I’ve trained within my 14 year career.
- As an FTO I can use to L.O.C.K.U.P system to fully train new officers in effective use the force strategies.
- Strong power point presentation, excellent! The L.O.C.K.U.P system is a must for every Department .
An intensive 9-day training program on L.O.C.K.U.P.® Police Arrest and Control – Instructor Course. This course provides in-depth arrest and control confrontation training. It develops a solid foundation of de-escalation tactics, physical arrest and control, counter measure and officer survival skills. The program provides teaching / instructional methods in adult learning to provide students with effective retainable evidence based techniques skills and strategies. This course is the only program that qualifies the student as a Basic Connecticut Arrest and Control Instructor. The empty-hand skills can be relied upon by individual officers or with a partner. This system is a complete arrest and control program that fully integrates all weapons systems of law enforcement
- Risk Management for Confrontations
- Legal Aspects of Use of Force
- Report Writing, Documentation and Tracking
- Verbal Communication – Effective De-escalation Skills
- Instructional Techniques to Fit the Employee
- Trouble Shooting Combative Maneuvers
- Fighting Tactics from Multiple Platforms
- Decisive vs. Counter Measure Strategies
- Team Communications and Takedowns
- Police Ground Fighting Tactics
- Managing and Documenting Training
- Environmental Training
- Physiological Changes During Human Aggression
- Much more!
* CT POSTC approved, credits applied *
Class times 0830 – 1630 daily
ONLY $795.00
Hosted By
CT Department of Corrections
Maloney Training Center
275 Jarvis St. Cheshire CT 06410
Contact: Lieutenant Matias, Jose L / 203-271-5131