Maine Dept. of Corrections Hosts L.E.A.D.S. - Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies 3 Day -…
MAINE to Implement the L.E.A.D.S. Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies Instructor Training
Portland Maine
L.E.A.D.S. Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies SOLD OUT!
3 Day – Instructor Certification
Nov. 1 – 3, 2021 0800 – 1700
Congratulations to the officers who attended and successfully completed this in-depth training on L.E.A.D.S. – Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies. Officers participated in this interactive training for three days and will be training their departments.
This is what the students had to say:
Please assess the quality of this presentation.
Great quality and instruction
great energy!
Engaging presenters were excellent, helped keep attention
This was great training, and the quality was relevant and important topics were discussed
Having been through LOCKUP I was happy to get equally quality training
Great more interactive videos for group discussion
Was this program relevant to your work assignment?
Yes, great info on the brain functions, great examples of why things happened, good videos
Will help with the public!
I don’t instruct many tactical moves just maintaining and assessing officer safety with mental health calls
This program will help me with my leadership role as a corporal. I can help train our new officers
Yes, both as an instructor and as a patrol officer
I am a patrol supervisor I have to control my emotions as well as my officers
I work patrol so very relevant
Please comment on the instruction of this program
Touched on all learning styles, instructors are very enthusiastic
Lots of information could spend 5 days talking about the book provided and how it is set up
Lots of videos and examples to drive home points
Was on point
Lieutenant Dillon was so interactive and really kept the class involved
This format is good for many learning styles
I liked how KD (Lt. Dillon) posted important items on the wall to review
K.D. (Lt. Dillon) is an amazing presenter and made this class what it is
Great information
Would you recommend this training to other officers?
Best training around.
I would recommend this training two others and wish more from my PD could have come
Yes and I plan to teach it at our department
I already have
This end and the physical LOCKUP program
Please rate the instructors in this program. (Lt. Kevin Dillon (ret) and Dave Bissonnette)
Lieutenant Dillon is very dynamic and engaging in his presentation. Keep one’s attention
Excellent, highly knowledgeable
Dillon has a knack for public speaking and really entertaining the class. He was able to give many ideas and show videos
Bissonnette led many important discussions and was personable. Overall, both were great.
Both instructors were informative and well versed on the materials
Both were passionate and very experienced
Very knowledgeable
Very active interactive and personable
Please explain how this training will enable you to change or improve your present assignment?
Looking to create a four-hour block of training for a private setting, fits great and very needed
Improve through knowledge of physiological responses when under stress in why we have those responses
To train officers better to de-escalate citizens we come in contact with along with themselves
More instructors in the state can increase training capacities
This training will provide me with the ability to bring this information back to my PD and help me train in supervising officers to make them the best they can be
Some of the strategies I was done inadvertently. Now I can intentionally utilize them
It will help me stop swearing and matching anger with anger
This adds another tool to our tool chest
Information is the key to knowledge
Improve how I approach every call and interaction with people
Mental health is on the rise. Learning how to talk with people and how they think is huge
This is a nationally recognized conflict resolution de-escalation certification course. The L.E.A.D.S. ™ Plus T – Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies Training was developed in 2007 and has been taught throughout the United States.
Through lectures, demonstrations, role play, and practical scenario applications, this course is an instructor-level program designed to qualify students in the L.E.A.D.S. ™ Plus T – Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies and Tactical Options Program. The course is classroom-based to educate and train instructors in positive communications skills, effective de-escalation techniques, anger management, and combat confrontation avoidance techniques. The course teaches how to recognize aggressive behaviors and keep them from escalating. Students learn Active De-escalation Strategies that can avoid or resolve negative interactions by employing effective de-escalation methods. This course also discusses tactical responses to use when diffusion tactics are inappropriate or ineffective and teaches distraction techniques that promote the success of tactical applications.
- learn how to turn negative communication into positive
- identify professional benefits of respect
- learn anger management techniques
- learn effective verbal de-escalation strategies
- community empowerment and partnership strategies
- understand physiological changes during aggression
- learn to use cognitive limitations for active diffusion
- learn methods to redirect thought process through the positive direction
- communicate and respond to special populations
; (ex.-mental illness, autism, disabilities) - learn methods of motivational interviewing skills
- learn tactically relocation strategies to delay confrontations
- concepts of fair and impartial policing
- learn to build community partnerships through daily interactions
- learn to conduct breakout sessions for role-playing exercises
- learn communication and physical strategies to de-escalate situations
- learn how de-escalation and or the lack of is used in litigation
- teaching methodologies and adult learning principles and classroom and scenario facilitation.
Presently Instructed in the states of FL, CT, RI, MA, ND, MN, NH, PA, MO, MI, TX, SD, CO, AK, NE, CA, AZ, NM, UT and VT
ONLY $595.00
Portland Maine Police Department
109 Middle Street, Portland ME 04101
Host Contact – Sgt Dan Hayden
(207) 874-8590 /