Law Enforcement Active Diffusion Strategies & Fair and Impartial Policing (L.E.A.D.S.) Session 1
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Fridley Police Department MN
Law Enforcement Active Diffusion Strategies & Fair and Impartial Policing (L.E.A.D.S.) Session 1
October 22, 2020 0800-1600
This course will review real world effective conflict communication skills and tactics, and fair and impartial policing. This course has been taught by Lt. Kevin Dillon since 2007 in countless states and has been reviewed/approved by the U.S. Department of Justice. This course was tried and true before the necessity of de-escalation training was ever nationally acknowledged. This course will satisfy all MN POST Board Learning Objectives for Conflict Management and Mediation, and Cultural Diversity & Implicit Bias (8 hours). This course is uniquely offered once during daytime hours and immediately afterwards during nighttime hours to better accommodate evening and overnight personnel and your agency’s shift staffing.
Topics Include:
Identifying physiological changes that occur when individuals become hostile or angry; cognitive limitations; communications skills to de-escalate and defuse hostile encounters; methods to redirect the thought process for de-escalation; identifying and recognizing aggressive or resistant body language; motivational interviewing; tactical responses and strategies when verbal diffusion tactics are not the appropriate response; understanding how implicit biases can affect your perception and behavior; skills and tactics to reduce the influence of bias; and how fair and impartial policing supports procedural justice and thus police legitimacy.
- To identify professional benefits of active diffusion strategies
- To develop partnership building techniques within the community
- To discuss bias in law enforcement
- To understand reflective listening skills
- To understand the three C’s of Conflict Resolution
- To understanding psychophysiological changes during aggression
- To learn the physiological aspects of anger
- To learn methods of effective verbal de-escalation strategies
- To understand cognitive limitations when attempting to de-escalate
- To learn methods to re-direct the thought process through positive direction
- To develop knowledge of, and partnerships with students
- To identity different communications styles
- To learn methods of motivational interviewing skills
- To learn methods of distraction to obtain tactical advantages
- To learn communication and physical strategies to de-escalate situations
- To discuss when immediate response and engagement protocols
- To recognize our own and biases – realize they are not all bad
- To understand how implicit biases can affect perceptions and behavior
- To understand how biased policing impacts community members and the department.
- To understand how FIP supports procedural justice and thus police legitimacy
- To develop skills and tactics to reduce the influence of bias on police practice
- How practicing their principles Enhance/promote trust on part of people that they serve
When: Oct. 22, 2020
Session 1 0800 – 1600 Hours
Fridley Public Safety Facility
Emergency Operations Center
(7071 University Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432)