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Triple Instructor Certification Handcuffing – O.C. Spray & Expandable Police Baton

Fairfield CT  University

L.O.C.K.U.P. Triple Instructor Certification
Handcuffing – O.C. Spray & Expandable Police Baton
July 8 – 12, 2024
July 8 – 11, 2024
0830 – 1630

CONGRATULATIONS to the new L.O.C.K.U.P. CT Triple Instructor Certification – Handcuffing – OC Spray and Police Baton! This program was written, developed and facilitated by Nationally recognized Use of Force Expert Lt. Kevin Dillon (ret) for the CT Police Academy in 2010. This is the ONLY class of its kind as it was a custom built by Lt. Dillon and instructed as the ONLY Triple Certification program in the County! Lt. Mike Creter has been spearheading instruction in the completely integrated and interleaved program.
This team of officers throughout CT and RI participated actively throughout the physically and mentally challenging week. Proud to have them all wear the L.O.C.K.U.P. Instructor Shirt! They earned it!
Very well presented
Contain many relevant topics relevant to work assignment, all which were realistic in application. In my opinion this training is necessary and should be the standard.
By far the most in depth in explanatory course out there. The training aids are good but it is the instruction that makes this program.
Excellent. Size of class was helpful to be involved provide scenarios and options in our ever changing careers.
The stories of real-life experiences truly make it all come together. I teach other judicial Marshalls and every time I come to a Kevin Dillon training, I always go back with new insights in a higher level of instruction.
I enjoyed the thorough explanation and in-depth understanding of ”The why”
High quality hands on demonstration and lecture. Great use of mixed training material, video PowerPoint lecture and handouts.
Directly related to everyday activities excellent instructors and digital presentation.
Honestly for small agencies putting everyone through would be beneficial.
Excellent, realistic, applicable, relevant. Great examples well spread out.
Very detailed and informative. Excellent training I think every officer should take.
Current and up to date.
Very good instruction methods with video and PowerPoint. Great balance of hands on and classroom. I will be able to incorporate OC handcuffing baton to use of force training and come up with more realistic scenario based training as well.
This class gave me the necessary skills and more to teach triple certification.
Great week of training well done visual learning and explanations.
Improve different ways to handcuff and how to gain control and compliance from actively resisting subject.
Could not have been presented any better. Excellent work. I recommend all officers to take the class.
The experience and proficiency of adult instructions is top tier.
Very knowledgeable.
K.D. and Creter we’re informative and great presenters as always.
Top notch! It does not get any better.
Both instructors excellent.
Extremely knowledgeable. Present in many different ways which keeps the student engaged in the material.
I appreciate the high quality instruction given by instructors that truly care about the welfare of other officers.
Knowledgeable and confident.
Top tier instructors who are knowledgeable in the material in demonstration methods.
Very knowledgeable on the material.
Exceptional, great orators in masters of information.
KD and Lt. Creter bring experience and knowledge.
Professional, knowledgeable, friendly, patient.
Mike and KD are great presenters with detailed on job reasons as to why this is effective. I was impressed by how focused they are on technique and follow up.
Lieutenant Creter is a phenomenal instructor and has expertise to back up his teaching Lieutenant Dillon is phenomenal as well and together they make a great team.
KD and Mike are great. They are a book of knowledge and truly care and take pride in what they teach. They both make class interesting and intriguing.
Instructors were knowledgeable and highly interactive. They kept the class engaged.
Instructors were quick to correct mistakes to make perfect practice.
Subject matter experts with experience in studies.
Instructors were engaging. Lt. Creter is very relatable and thorough.
The ability to grasp attention and the understanding of adult learning was amazing.

An intensive 5-day training program to develop instructors in Handcuffing, Oleoresin Spray, and the Expandable Baton. This is a law enforcement instructor course developing integration concepts within the less lethal options used by law enforcement and correctional operations. Officers are not restricted to one less lethal option and need to integrate, interleave, and transition from different disciplines. This course brings those options together in an instructor format so agencies can benefit from the investment in the training. ALL 3 FULLY INTEGRATED!!

 Handcuffing Instructor Training

  • Nomenclature of the hinged and chain link handcuffs.
  • Handcuffing passive and resistant suspects.
  • Practical exercises of handcuffing maneuvers.
  • Departmental policy sample discussion.
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform team
  • Takedown and handcuffing maneuvers.
  • Documentation and report writing.
  • Safe Removal of handcuffs from suspects.
  • Controlling handcuffed combatants.
  • L.O.C.K.U.P. ® tactics integrated.

Baton Instructor Training – Straight & Expandable

  • Legal aspects of police use of force.
  • Baton deployment and purpose.
  • Baton justification.
  • Basic baton strikes.
  • Body mechanics and footwork.
  • Documentation and tracking use of force.
  • Baton nomenclature.
  • Stances.
  • Baton blocking principals.
  • Baton body manipulations.
  • Trouble shooting student performance.


Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) Spray Instructor Training

  • Identify the various ingredients and strengths of (OC) spray.
  • Identify current legal/policy issues in the use of (OC) spray.
  • Identify the physical, psychological and physiological effects
  • Management protocols re: medical, and de-contamination procedures.
  • Identify the most effective (OC) delivery methods.
  • Identify the flammable characteristics of (O.C.) spray.
  • Identify the placement of OC on the “Use of Force Spectrum”.
  • Identify pre-existing medical conditions that may be aggravated by OC.
  • Identify verbal commands/warnings that should accompany
  • Deployment of OC.
  • Properly documenting the use of OC.
  • Tactical considerations: various canisters, holsters, and retention.
  • Draw techniques.
  • Perform a tactical OC exposure and restraint of a simulated “active” resistive subject.

ONLY $995.00

Course Flier


Instructor Certification
Manuals, Tee Shirt and Certificate Included
Plus Digital Downloadable Manuals
0830 – 1630 Hours Daily

Students may enroll for separate Instructor Certifications but seat priority will be granted to students enrolling in
the full Triple Certification 5 day program. Baton Instruction $495.00, Handcuffing $249.00 and OC Instructor $249.00

Student Evaluation Summary Osceola FL OTECH County Police Academy

General program evaluations. A overall, I thought that the program was?
85% of participants rated this course as the highest category as Excellent, 15%  rated this category as Very Good. 

 Considering the time and effort I put in, I thought the program was?
95% of participants rated this course as the highest category as Extremely Valuable, 5%rated this category as Valuable.    

 Were there parts that you found particularly useful?

  • The importance of a baton and different uses.
  • Handcuffing portion
  • Best baton training I have ever received, incorporating all three programs in the same class.
  • LOCKUP position, tactical handcuffing, OC spray moving offline after spray deployments.
  • We use them often and this course has taught me various options and how to use them.
  • ASP and striking combined, fighting through the OC spray.
  • Baton portion, utilizing it as a takedown tool more than just striking.
  • Baton training and tactics.
  • The integration parts were useful, if time allows would be nice to integrate use of spray, baton and handcuffing into one scenario to show weapon failure in the transition of other weapons.
  • Instructions, demonstration as to when techniques will and could be used.
  • All the hands on training with detailed explanation and teaching.
  • Team LOCKUP takedown, baton usage, punching with baton in hand and then extending it.
  • The handcuffing brought a new light into handcuffing.
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