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Handcuffing – O.C. Spray & Expandable & Straight Police Baton

An intensive 5-day program to train instructors in Handcuffing, Oleoresin Spray and the Police Baton (Fixed or Expandable). This is a law enforcement instructor course developing integration concepts within the less lethal options used by law enforcement and civilian security operations. Law enforcement encounters are not restricted to one less lethal option over another and are integrated using different disciplines. This course brings those options together in an instructor format so agencies can benefit from investing in the training.

This Triple Certification course is the CT and Rhode Island POST certified curriculum.

Handcuffing Instructor Training

  • product issued nomenclatures,
  • nomenclature of the hinged and chain link handcuffs,
  • handcuffing passive and resistant suspects,
  • practical exercises of handcuffing maneuvers,
  • departmental policy sample discussion,
  • demonstrate the ability to perform team,
  • takedown and handcuffing maneuvers,
  • documentation and report writing,
  • safe removal of handcuffs from suspects,
  • controlling handcuffed combatants, and
  • L.O.C.K.U.P. ® tactics integrated.

Baton Instructor Training – Straight & Expandable

  • product baton nomenclatures,
  • legal aspects of police use of force,
  • baton deployment and purpose,
  • baton justification,
  • basic baton strikes,
  • body mechanics and footwork,
  • documentation and tracking use of force,
  • baton nomenclature,
  • stances,
  • baton blocking principles,
  • baton body manipulations, and
  • troubleshooting student performance.


Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) Spray Instructor Training

  • identify the various ingredients and strengths of (OC) spray,
  • identify current legal/policy issues for the use of (OC) spray,
  • identify the physical, psychological and physiological effects,
  • management protocols re: medical, and decontamination procedures.
  • identify the most effective (OC) delivery methods,
  • identify the flammable characteristics of (OC) spray,
  • identify the placement of OC on the “Use of Force Spectrum”,
  • identify pre existing medical conditions that may be aggravated by OC,
  • identify verbal commands/warnings that should accompany use of OC,
  • deployment of OC.
  • properly documenting the use of OC,
  • tactical considerations: various canisters, holsters, and retention,
  • draw techniques, and
  • perform a tactical OC exposure and restraint of a simulated “active” resistant subject.

    Hands down the best training I have received since I have been in the business. Not only where we trained the techniques but we were trained on how to teach them in multiple ways and how to troubleshoot some issues that could arise. 

    I came with the expectations of “more of the same old thing”. This was the opposite of that and is a dynamic system that is teachable, learn-able and applicable.

For additional information please contact us at

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