Maine Dept. of Corrections Hosts L.E.A.D.S. - Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies 3 Day -…
Over 300 Bakersfield CA Police Trained in Law Enforcement Active Diffusion Strategies
Over 300 officers from the Bakersfield California Police Department successfully completed 8 hours of L.E.A.D.S. training with Lt. Kevin Dillon (ret) during the week of 26 – 30, 2017. L.E.A.D.S. – Law Enforcement Active Diffusion Strategies is being instructed to officers throughout the country. L.E.A.D.S. Training initiated in CT in 2008 and had been integrated with the L.O.C.K.U.P. Arrest and Control Instructor course since 2000. Communications and conflict resolution training should be integrated with all use of force training. Officers have been de-escalating situations since the beginning of law enforcement but what is missing is the documentation of the de-escalation incidents. In today’s court proceedings along with the misinformed public pertaining to police encounters it is paramount to not only attempt communication but document the facts of the encounter. This course instructs officers how to de-escalate, enhance communications, document it and have strategies when it may not be the right option. This training is evidence based, realistic and effective for law enforcement personnel.
“I have taught police departments throughout the country and it was a thrill to spend 5 days with this police department. They demonstrated nothing but the highest level of professionalism. I have been training police departments since 1989 and I can tell when an agency has their stuff together, and they do!” Lt. Kevin Dillon (Ret)
Officers responses to training:
Great course, far exceeded my expectations.
Best instructor I have had the privilege of hearing.
Great use of real incidents, videos and highly charged presenter.
I can implement this training immediately.
Excellent, good for the street cop and investigator.
I will be able to verbally de-escalate better.
The instructor was very knowledgeable and shows high levels of competence in the subject field.
Gave me great insight on how to handle daily situations by key communications.
Informative, great explanation while not going to lengthy or overdone.
My expectations were pretty low since this was a mandated class. I was pleasantly surprised at the information learned and how well is was put together.
It was entertaining and informative.
Instructor talked about current events related to policing.
One of the best classes ever!
Provided insight as to better handle subjects in various mindsets.
In my current assignment I contact violent criminals daily and now have tactics to assist me in dealing with those suspects other than physically.
Opens your mind to other options.
This should be taught yearly and especially to new officers.
Love the fact that he is able to relate real life experiences in the training.
It was one of the best classes I took. I would like to hear more instruction from Lt. Dillon.Special thank you to Chief Lyle D. Martin for bringing us in to share this educational program with the membership of his department.