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Congratulations to the NEW L.E.A.D.S. Instructors of South FLA

CONGRATULATIONS NEW LEADS Instructors of South Florida
Delray Beach Police Department, Florida
Presents L.E.A.D.S. + T – Law Enforcement  Active Diffusion Strategies Plus Tactical Options
Three Day Instructor Course
AUGUST 8, 9, & 10 , 2017 TIMES: 0800 to 1630

It was a pleasure and honor to have presented our training program on L.E.A.D.S. –  Law Enforcement Active Diffusion Strategies Instructor Training to the members of 7 different FLA agencies on August 8 – 10, 2017. The training was very well received and the attending officers participated actively throughout the entire presentation. They displayed high levels of enthusiasm, dedication and professionalism throughout the three day training session. A review of the course evaluations revealed a high satisfaction rating from your team.  I have attached a summary of the evaluations.

We are extremely pleased to have provided the members of the Delray Beach, Highland Beach, Boyton Beach, Ocean Beach, Deland Police Departments and St. Lucie and Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office with a positive and enjoyable educational experience. I would also like to commend Eric Aronowitz (Highland Beach) and Sergeant Paul Weber for their assistance in coordination and facilitation of the training.

What the attending students had to say:

Please assess how this course met your overall expectations?
15 Evaluations were collected. 14 students rated this course in the highest level of 5 (Excellent)  with 1 rating of 4 Very Good 

  • Lt. Dillon (K.D.) captures your attention with his personality, stories relates to his audience.  We can understand where he’s coming from because we have all been there.
  • Lifesaving information.
  • Excellent and very informative.
  • Presentation keeps you highly focused and continually thinking.
  • Excellent.
  • The quality is excellent.
  • Great presentation.  Lieutenant is a wonderful and animated instructor.
  • Highly educational  and engaging, useful lesson plan from the beginning to end.
  • Great
  • Very well organized.

Please assess the quality of this presentation?
15 Evaluations were collected. 100% of  students rated this course in the highest level of 5 (Excellent) 

  • Yes, every officer can benefit from better communication skills and I options of how to defuse verbally and nonverbal situations.  Designed for law enforcement officers taught by law enforcement.
  • Road patrol is front line of agency representation.
  • Would like to see more peer on peer diffusion strategies.
  • Absolutely.
  • It easily relatable to my day to day assignment.
  • Yes.
  • Yes it is very relevant and will further help me in dealing with a customer’s of our city.
  • Yes.  I can develop classes to present to other officers to enhance their job performance.
  • Absolutely useful for all levels of law enforcement duty.
  • Yes, calls for service and as a supervisor.
  • Very much so. 

Would you recommend this training to other officers?
 (100%) of students stated they would recommend this course to their peers.”

Please assess the presenters of this program. – Lt. Kevin F. Dillon (ret)

15 Evaluations were collected. 100% of  students rated this course in the highest level of 5 (Excellent) 

  • Was the most are articulable and knowledgeable instructor I have ever experienced.  I have learned skills that will be remembered because of Lieutenant Dillon.
  • 100% of attending officers rated
  • KD is a great example of how the training is supposed to be and what we as trainers strive to be like.  Credibility is everything and he has it.
  • Extremely knowledgeable and experienced
  • Very passionate about topic in teaching
  • Great examples and energy to keep the class engaged.
  • Excellent PowerPoint, great enthusiasm, great experience and very credible.
  • Knowledgeable, humorous and approachable
  • Great instructor, gave real examples to enhance the materials.
  • The instructor was the best one I have had in all my classes I have been to.  He was enthusiastic about the class and wanting students to learn through anecdotes and course material.
  • LT has a great technique which allows the simple minded or enhance minded officer to understand the content.
  • Very entertaining.  He was able to keep the class is attention with his teaching methods.  He is more than qualified to teach this course.  Great job. 

Please explain how this training will enable you to change or improve your present assignment
15 Evaluations were collected. 100% of  students rated this course in the highest level of 5 (Excellent) 

  • Being a homicide detective dealing with emotions is a daily occurrence and being able to control interactions with the public, victims is critical.  The ability to teach other deputies how to do this is humbling.
  • This training will be integrated into our DT program to give officers an option and examples of what they can try or attempt to do before going hands on.
  • Provide officers with basic methods to assist with redirection in abilities to diffuse rather than just respond robotically.
  • We’ll pass on that knowledge to members of my agency
  • More tools to use in the escalation
  • I will be able to better relay diffusion strategies to my students
  • I am in a better position to use verbal and body language tools during my time on duty.
  • I have a much better understanding of my flaws and how to improve them.
  • Provide a toolbox of techniques I can employ and the ability to articulate them to my trainees
  • It will help us improve our training for our officers
  • This will help me with all future citizen contacts and leave them better than what I found them.
  • With teaming with scenarios these techniques will help save lives and careers as well as department reputation with the community.
  • Reduce officer complaints and increase officer safety. 

All course evaluations are kept on file in the office of KFD Training and Consultation LLC and are open for review.

The L.E.A.D.S. ™ Plus T – Law Enforcement Active Diffusion Strategies and Tactical Options Program started in 2007, and has received national recognition for it’s effectiveness.  It has been presented to officers in the states of FL, CT, RI, MA, ND, MN, MO, MI, SD, CO, AK, CA, AZ, WY and NM.  The L.E.A.D.S. ™ curriculum has been reviewed and approved by the United States Department of Justice. This three day L.E.A.D.S. Train the Trainer prepares the student to learn the materials and to facilitate L.E.A.D.S. Instruction within their own agency or academies.

Through lectures, demonstrations, role play, and practical scenario applications, this course will instruct students and develop instructors in the L.E.A.D.S. ™ Plus T – Law Enforcement Active Diffusion Strategies and Tactical Options They will learn to facilitate training in in 2, 4, 8 or 12 hour training blocks. The course is classroom based to educate instructors in effective communications skills, de-escalation techniques as well as combat confrontation avoidance training. The course teaches how to recognize aggressive behaviors and keep them from escalating. Students learn Active Diffusion Strategies that can avoid or resolve negative interactions by employing effective de-escalation methods. This course also discusses tactical responses to use when diffusion tactics are inappropriate or ineffective and teaches distraction techniques that promote the success of tactical applications. We utilize lectures break out groups, scenario training and demonstrations.


Identify indicators of hostility through body language;
Understand the principles of risk management for officer safety;
Learn and understand the value of customer service in law enforcement;
Learn how to turn negative communication into positive;
Identify professional benefits of respect;
Learn effective verbal de-escalation strategies;
Understand physiological changes during aggression;
Learn to use cognitive limitations for active diffusion;
Learn methods to redirect thought process through positive direction;
Learn the importance of professional posturing;
Identity different communication styles and appropriate response tactics;
Learn methods of motivational interviewing skills;
Learn methods of distraction to obtain tactical advantages;
Learn communication and physical strategies to de-escalate situations;
Discuss application of the 30 Guiding principles PERF Recommendations;
Communicate & respond to special populations; (mental illness, autism, disabilities),

 The Trust provides insurance to municipal entities in Rhode Island, and recently updated its model Use of Force Policy for member police departments.  Consistent with contemporary best practices, the model policy emphasizes the strategies of diffusion and de-escalation when police officers are faced with confrontational situations.  Having attended L.E.A.D.S. training, I was impressed with how well the course curriculum and Lt. Dillon’s presentation dovetailed with our model policy.
Inspector Paul F. Dutra, Esq.  (Ret. Warwick Police Department), Claims Manager

ONLY $525.00 Per Instructor,

Host Contact: Admin. Assistant Stacy Tarantino

Course Flier


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